Currently Exhibiting in Bristol and Bath

I had a great evening at the private view of the Bath Society of Artists open exhibition at the Victoria art gallery on Friday.

I was great so see so many familiar faces in the throng as well as meeting some artists for the first time. I was lucky enough to have had my painting “Sunrise over Perranuthnoe” selected, I wrote about it in my last post, describing how I painted it before breakfast on my last trip to Cornwall. If you get a chance make a day of it by going to the Impressionists exhibition at the Holburne on the same day. (Also enjoyed the work of Kristan Baggaley and Ellen Watson  Voyage exhibition at Bath Contemporary but it’s only on until 2nd May)


‘Sunrise over Perranuthnoe” (centre above red dot) and friends

I’m also exhibiting with Clifton Arts Club at the Steak of the Art restaurant on Bristol’s harbourside. These are also paintings from Cornwall.


This is another pre-breakfast dawn painting that I talked about in my last post.


Brisons at Dawn


Kernel Viridian

I called this one “Kernow Viridian” which I appreciate makes it sound like a racehorse but I thought it fitted. It’s one of the more abstract ones I made and includes wax medium, stand oil and lots of rolling and scraping, fun to make.


Close up of “Kernow Viridian”

Not such fun to make was the frames but I was pleased with the outcomes, I’m beginning to get the knack for doing it in a straightforward way that looks professional (enough!).


All exhibitions are running into June so you’ve plenty of time to get along.

Some images from the  Impressionists exhibition at the Holborn, George Clausen and Berthe Morisot



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